Nipah Virus Fever Symptoms Important Prevention steps Fruit Bats Images

Nipah Virus Fever Symptoms Important Prevention steps Fruit Bats Images. Nipah Virus fever causes serious infectious epidemics in both human and animal. Recently there is an outbreak in Calicut, Kerala as NiV cases is reported. People from all over the world must have an awareness of this Nipah Virus (NiV), as there is no medicine at present to cure this deadly virus. About 70 cases in 100 ends in death and the virus is easily spread to others upon direct or indirect contact with infectious animal/human. You can check here for the Nipah Virus Fever Symptoms, how to take preventive measures and stop spreading the disease. The WHO officers report that Fruit Bats are the main carriers of Nipah Virus and spread to cattle pigs and other domestic animals.

What are the Nipah Virus Fever Symptoms?

NiV affects human brain, which is states as encephalitis, and mental disorders accompanies. The infected person will have prolonged fever and headache for about 3 to 14 days. Acute respiratory disorders, muscle ache, drowsiness and nausea. However the symptoms vary from each human and if any doubts of being NiV positive, kindly visit nearest hospitals and get a thorough check.

How animals transmit Nipah Virus?
Fruit Bats are main natural hosts of Nipah Virus. The infectious bat eats up fruits or excrete on it and drop them. If any animal or human eats that half bite fruit, NiV is spread to them. In such areas of high rates of Niv feasibility, the cattle owners must keep the place hygiene.


Nipah Virus Human To Human Transmission:
If a person is having Nipah Virus symptoms, he or she must have their breathing masks and rush to nearby hospitals. When a healthy person have a direct contact with NiV infected person the, virus spreads in a rapid manner. So in NiV prone areas, personal and surrounding hygiene must follow to put a stop in spreading the disease.

Nipah Virus Fever Symptoms

Prevention of Nipah Virus Prevention Guidance: 

Those who would like to check Nipah virus Prevention and Control can check below instruction.

Treatment of Nipah Virus Infection:
At present, there is no medicine to cure NiV virus and reported as biological weapon. The person with NiV positive symptoms must be admit in Intensive Care Unit support to monitor them closely. To dispose NiV dead bodies, the carrying person should be cover fully and must not have direct contact with them.